Kita-kamakura Station

Kita-kamakura Station

It is wheelchair accessible at both the Tokyo-bound platform, west exit side, and the Kamakura-bound one, east exit side. There is a ramp at the east exit side platform, and an elevator and wheelchair accessible restrooms at the west exit side. Cross the tracks to go to the opposite platform.

Wheelchair Accessibility
Wheelchair accessible at both the Tokyo-boud platform, west exit side, and the Kamakure-bound one, east exit side.
Inside the facility Wheelchair accessible restrooms available
Inside the ticket gate of the tokyo-bound platform.
Outside the facility Wheelchair accessible restrooms available
A wheelchair accessible public restroom is located in the coin-operated parking lot near the railroad crossing.
It is wheelchair accessible at both the Tokyo-bound platform, west exit side, and the Kamakura-bound one, east exit side. There is a ramp at the east exit side platform, and an elevator and wheelchair accessible restrooms at the west exit side. Cross the tracks to go to the opposite platform.
Time required

Neiborhood facilities
