Traffic Information

Website links about domestic transportation by train, subway, bus and taxi.

Traffic Information

Taking Trains, Subways or Buses are convenient for sightseeing in Tokyo.
Using the water bus for Asakusa visits is fun.


When taking the train with a wheelchair ask for assistance of the station officer. They will help you get on and off the train.

Many stations do not have elevators and checking the station you use in advance is needed.

A Oneday ticket is convenient for sightseeing.

Take a look for detailed information of each station.

Airport Access

Taking a bus is convenient to go to the airport but they are less considerate of people with disabilities such as wheelchair users. It is better to use trains for wheelchair users


Generally taking the bus is not convenient for wheelchair users but most of all floors of the buses in the Tokyo metropolitan area are at a low level and are available.
A Oneday ticket is convenient for sightseeing.


The Shinkansen bullet train is convenient for transport to local cities such as Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe.


Wheelchair users cannot take most of taxis.
A person who can move to the seat from a wheelchair can take a taxi and fold the wheelchair and have it put into into the trunk.

Vehicle for disabled persons

It is possible to rent a car for wheelchair users from some rent-a-car services.

Airport Information
Travel, Sightseeing