Takeshita Street

Takeshita Street

It is a trendsetting street of youth culture such as “Kawaii” in Japan. If you visit Takeshita Street, you can see a lot of young people who have trendy fashion style. It is a shopping street where shops deal with uniquely designed clothing and other items. It is about 400 meters long with various kinds of more than 200 shops.


Shibuya-ku, Tokyo


Wheelchair Accessibility
Almost flat, Entrance is steep slope
Depends on shops
Coin parking available
Available language
Vary from store to store
Nearest station
Meiji-jingumae:Tokyo Metro (Chiyoda Line, Fukutoshin Line)
Recommended route
From Harajuku, JR Omotesando exit, go to Yamanote Line Takeshita exit, and cross the traffic light
From Meiji-jingumae, Chiyoda Line, Fukutoshin Line exit 2, go to Yamanote Line Takeshita exit, and cross the traffic light

Neiborhood facilities

Shibuya Station
Yoyogi Park