Toshimaya main store

Toshimaya main store

Close to Kamakura station and easy to access for wheelchair users. No stairs from the sidewalk to go inside. Many tourists come to visit but the store is spacious and easy to go shopping.

Wheelchair Accessibility
Wheelchair users can go inside from sidewalk without stairs.
The store is spacious and easy to shop.
Inside the facility No wheelchair accessible restrooms
Outside the facility Wheelchair accessible restrooms available
Wheelchair accessible restrooms in Kamakura Station
No parking lot
Other Information
Available language
Fee discounts
Crowded days/seasons Always crowded with tourists.
Walk from Kamakura Sta.
From Kamakura station, take Komachi street and then Wakamiya Oji Street to reach the store. This route is all paved and accessible for wheelchair users.
Time required 5 minutes walk from Kamakura station

Neiborhood facilities

Tokyu store toilet on the 5th floor
Tsurugaoka Hachimangu