

Myhonji is the Nichiren sect's oldest temple. A 10-minute walk from Kamakura Station, you can enjoy a quiet moment with lots of greenery and a small number of visitors. Assistance is required since there is a slope from the main gate to the main hall. However, cars can reach the front of the main hall so it is required to contact the temple staff in advance when you are coming by car in case there are other events taking place.

Wheelchair Accessibility
The precincts are widely sloped, but they need to be assisted because they are steep. However, you can drive to the main hall.
Inside the facility Wheelchair accessible restrooms available
Few steps in front of the restrooms, difficult with wheelchair.
Outside the facility Wheelchair accessible restrooms available
Recommend to user restroom at Hongakuji
Parking lot available
Other Information
Available language Signboard: Japanese, English
Brochure: Japanese, English (¥100)
Fee discounts
Crowded days/seasons Not crowded
Walk from Kamakura Sta.
Flat access from the east exit of Kamakura Station. Since there is a slope between the main gate and the main hall.
Time required 10 minutes walk from station, 1 minute from Hongakuji.

Neiborhood facilities

Zaimokuza Beach