

Hongakuji is a Nichiren sect Buddhist temple that was founded in 1436. Even though the location is just 8 minutes' walk from Kamakura Station, it is not crowded and the way from the gate to the grounds is flat and you can visit calmly with a wheelchair.

Wheelchair Accessibility
Almost flat.
Inside the facility Wheelchair accessible restrooms available
Outside the facility No wheelchair accessible restrooms
Parking lot available
Other Information
Available language Signboard: Japanese, English
Brochure: Japanese, English
Fee discounts
Crowded days/seasons Not crowded
Walk from Kamakura Sta.
We can walk flat from Kamakura Station East Exit.If you go Myonji after, we recommend that you enter the back gate near the station and exit the main gate. The entrance from the main gate uses the side street.
Time required 8 minutes walk

Neiborhood facilities
