Accessible Kamakura
In the late years, in Kamakura, a popular tourist area after Tokyo and Yokohama, the number of tourists is increasing both domestic and from overseas. The sightseeing destination covered many different topics as temples and shrines, shopping, art viewing, history exploration, meals, sea bathing. We introduce charms of Kamakura from a viewpoint of providing wheelchair accessible information in this page.
The homepage has been renewed
With this renewal, the URL has changed, so please change it if you have registered in your favorites / bookmarks. New:accessible.jp.netOld:accessible.jp.org We will continue to provide useful information that is easy for everyone to use.
The origin of ”Accessible Tokyo” and our comment was published in the Sankei Shimbun.
Our activity was introduced by the Sankei Shimbun, published on August 23, 2021and August 24. Comments were posted on this activity, which was origin in the wake of the 1964 Paralympic Tokyo and consideration from the perspective of people with disabilities as “barrier-free mind”.
We have renewed the page of Kamakura
We hadn’t reconsidered the page of Kamakura since it was published in 2003. As the 2020 Olympics are held, tourists are expected to increase in Kamakura that is a popular tourist area. Among them, many people with disabilities such as wheelchair users will be included. Therefore we have planned to update the information of Kamakura […]
We have renewed “Useful information”
The Useful information pages, which were temporarily closed after our major website renewal in February are now back. The information about access to both Narita and Haneda airports has been enhanced and other related links have been also updated. These pages provide you with a variety of information over the Accessible Tokyo pages. In addition […]
We have renewed our website
We have renewed our website. Almost 4 years have passed since the last major renewal in 2014. As the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games are approaching, there is increasing demand for accessibility related information because of the increase in foreign tourists. In addition, the ageing of the Japanese society has also boosted the need […]
Accessible Activities was introduced by NHK TV.
Our activities of Accessible Tokyo was introduced in NHK’s TV program “Hirumae-Hot”. Broadcasted on Friday, October 21. We usually check the accessibility of shopping facilities or sightseeing spots of Tokyo and introduce them on our webpage and blog.On October 2, we investigated whether a wheelchair user could go to Mt. Takao or not. NHK contacted us […]